Is Mouthwash Bad for You?

Is Mouthwash

If you’re like many Americans, you probably have a large bottle of blue or green mouthwash in your bathroom. You probably use it as directed by your dentist to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. But is killing bacteria in your mouth really a good thing? And are there downsides to regular mouthwash use? As […]

A Biological Dentist’s Approach to Oral Health and Heart Disease


As February rolls around, so does American Heart Health Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular health and disease prevention. While discussions often focus on factors like diet, exercise, and stress management, one crucial aspect often overlooked is oral health. As a biologic dentist, I am keenly aware of the intricate connection between […]

Airway-Focused Dentistry and Functional Breathing: Why You Should Care

Physician Doctor Doing Sinusitis Examination For Sinus Inflammation

A recent article explored the connection between sleep and oral health. Another piece of the picture is airway health and how breathing function influences sleep and dental concerns. Airway dentistry is an exciting new branch of functional dentistry focused on restoring functional breathing patterns to optimize health. Today’s article will explore airway-focused dentistry and why […]

Exploring the Link Between Sleep Quality and Oral Health


Consider this: the root cause of your oral health issues could be poor quality sleep or a sleep disorder. There is a strong link between sleeping disorders and dental problems, like cavities, gum disease, and oral microbiome imbalances. In functional dentistry, we look beyond the mouth for the root cause of disease. For many patients, […]

Are Teeth Connected to Organ Health?

A primary tenant of functional and holistic medicine is everything is connected, including the teeth. As a biological dentist and functional medicine practitioner, I believe health starts in the mouth. Because of the mouth-body connection, good oral health translates to good overall health and quality of life. Your mouth and teeth significantly impact organs and […]

Best Mouth Tape for Sleeping

Have you heard of mouth tape for sleeping? It’s not just the latest wellness trend; mouth tape offers significant benefits, such as improving sleep quality and oral health. The mouth connects to the rest of the body and is an essential piece of the health puzzle from a functional medicine perspective. Many Rejuvenation Health patients […]

Dr. Gerry Curatola, Founder of Rejuvenation Health

In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, investing in wellness, self-care and a healthy routine has never been more important. Therefore, we are particularly excited to be launching a blog series to inspire healthier lifestyle choices called Longevity Hacks With… and who better than our founder to kick this off? Today, Dr. Gerry Curatola shares his […]

5 Longevity Lessons Straight from the Blue Zones

Blue Zones

Most of us want to live a long, healthy, and active life, but how do we get there? Life expectancy continues to decline in the United States, while diet-related chronic diseases rise. Even if you are lucky enough for a long lifespan, most people experience a decline in health and quality of life a decade […]

Understanding the Oral Microbiome: The Gateway to Whole-Body Health

Oral Microbiome

Conventional dentistry sees the mouth as separate from the rest of the body. Most dentists don’t ask patients about their diet and overall health or discuss oral microbiome balance. However, mounting research is clear: the mouth-body connection is critical for overall health. An often-overlooked piece of the health puzzle is exploring the oral microbiome in […]